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Art DirectionProject Mgmt

The Falls Event Center Wedding Brochure

Showing off beautiful event spaces


The Falls Event Center had 13 event venues (8 locations) in 5 states. How do you show off all the buildings as one company? How to you accentuate the distinct beauty of each location? How to you create a wedding brand that can be cohesive across multiple locations that have different demographics? What can you mass produce that all locations can use at trade shows, on tours and sales calls? 




A stunning brochure! To do this we did our research regarding the wedding business as a whole, what is trending, what are potential brides looking for, gathered statistics in those locations and put them all together and found the common links. This brochure was designed with such care and thought. We scheduled photo shoots specifically for this with some models and some actual couples. We went through many typefaces until we found just the right ones. The layouts were designed to show off the awesome photos. This piece is truly elegant and timeless.


The Falls Event Center

Art Direction

Wendy Parker


Molly Powers